Welcome to the board Adri2.
Pull up a chair and ask all the questions you want. I'm sure someone on here will have all the answers.
i never did become a jw but i did associate with them for a few years by attending meetings, going house to house, and all that fun stuff.
anyway, i have so much in my mind that i cannot possibly say in one post.
basically i saw/heard many things during my association with jw that i just didn't agree with or just made me wonder if they were truly teaching the "truth", which i have recently come to the conclusion that there is no truth.
Welcome to the board Adri2.
Pull up a chair and ask all the questions you want. I'm sure someone on here will have all the answers.
hi there i'm new here, my name is fiona i am not yet a jw and have not started to study yet.
i am very interested in doing so but since i am still new to all this i thought i should attend some meetings first.
i am going to my first one today at the kelvin hall in glasgow, i am quite nervous as i do not know what to expect but also excited at the same time since it could be the beginning of a huge change in my life.
Hi Bug, Welcome to the board.
Please do alot of research here first before you make such a life changing decision like joining a high control religion. This forum has mostly Ex-JW's on it. You could save yourself years of pain down the road.
im trying to locate as many ex-jw's in these areas as i can.
i would like to plan some kind of apostafest,meetup, picnic, or whatever this summer.
i live in knoxville tennessee and after nearly 7 years have only met 3 x-jw's within 200 miles of me.
I would like to come down that way for a weekend this summer. Last summer I was swamped the whole time. This summer I am taking some time to enjoy it. So............I'm in.
1. so i wake up this morning and realize that my mom is missing.
i called her last night from 9pm to 11pm and this morning i called at 8am and there was no answer each time i called.
if she had been out earlier last night, it sure seemed as if she never came home.
Comparitivly speaking, tomorrow should be a breeze.
Sorry you had such a crappy day
most witnesses know that if you dig too hard in their older publications, you're bound to find strange, even ridiculous, quotes.
but they are trained not to put too much thought into these older publications.
if reasonable people could legitimately disagree with the wts at that time, then what does that say about "god's channel"?
Suppose a missionary and his wife removed to China; not only would the influence of the climate and soil be manifested upon themselves, but the same would be still more manifested in their children. Whoever will give careful attention to this matter will notice that each succeeding child born in that foreign country will have increasingly resemblance to the Chinese ? the hair, the skin, the shape of the eyes, and in general all features will bear closer resemblance with each succeeding child. We can readily suppose that if so much change occurs in a few years, ten or twenty centuries under similar conditions would turn any white people into regular Chinese, even supposing there were no intermarrying.
Wouldn't that be called evolution?
It used to do that sometimes.
If you click a page then go up to the address bar you can change the page number to the next page after the last page, click go and the new page will pop up.
my wife and i have differing opinions on whether this is a pitcher or a jug..
i won't tell you which i think it is... so have at it, what is your opinion?.
It's a pitcher. A jug has a smaller opening.
Hey everyone don't forget!!!!
straight away told im not ready for baptism, not with the amount and depth of questions, that ive been warned about these sites and that apostates will do anything to knock jws.
proving its the true religion bec the bible says it will happen (shows me scriptures).
also told it doesnt happen with any other religious group - usually people just quietly leave and make no fuss - further proof that ths is the true religion.. i asked about all the dates where predictions were made, eg 1914, 1975. was told there were some articles loosly talking the 'possibility' of something happening, but the wt never said it definitely would - how could it, these are just ordinary men, not profits.
Sorry they dumped you, just for asking a few questions. They really don't want you if you are a curious sort of person. Can you imagine if you would have asked questions after you were baptised?
Don't feel bad they don't want me either Oh darn.
Keep searching, you will find some place that will take you just the way you are. And God still loves you.
i apologise for upsetting most of you by logging onto this site.
i stumbled onto it by accident and stupidly never noticed that it said discussion forum, everyone welcome.
i just thought it was a site where witnesses discussed subjects, and did not expect such a negative response to my naivety.
Welcome Yvonne,
I just thought it was a site where witnesses discussed subjects, and did not expect such a negative response to my naivety.
I think this statement of yours may be what everyone is trying to get thru to you. If you go into the JW faith without really researching it from all angles, "Naive" is not an excuse to them (JW's) and you will get very negative responses if you don't do exactly what they say, when they say it. Just know exactly what you are getting into.
Bless you on what ever you choose to do.